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Treating periodontal and implant patients presents unique challenges in restoring and maintaining health, function, and esthetics. As treatment evolves from single tooth replacement to full-arch rehabilitation, personalized homecare and maintenance regimens are critical to long-term success. This webinar explores the use of different materials and techniques in non-surgical and surgical therapy, while emphasizing guided biofilm therapy as a universally effective modality for preserving teeth and implant restorations. Special attention is given to cases with advanced periodontal breakdown, generalized recession, and implant needs.
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Dr. Saltz is the managing editor for Decisions in Dentistry. He is president of the Maine Dental Association and chairs multiple state and regional committees as the District 1 Representative to the ADA New Dentist Committee. Dr. Saltz is an adjunct professor at the KCU College of Dental Medicine. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and maintains an active practice in South Portland, Maine.
Dr. Saltz has received an honorarium from AEGIS Publications, LLC for his preparation and presentation of this program.
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