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This webinar explores the definition, clinical signs, and prevalence of erosive tooth wear, with a focus on using the BEWE tool during clinical examinations. Participants will discover how to identify risk factors, as well as strategies for prevention and managing the progression of erosive tooth wear.
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Professor David Bartlett is Head of Prosthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, King's College, UK. He is secretary/treasurer for IADR prosthodontic group. He has an international reputation as a clinician and researcher and have built a well-known department in clinical science. He is past president of the international College of Prosthodontics and a member of the academy of Prosthodontics. His research profile is focused on tooth wear and in particular erosion.
Dr. Bartlett has received an honorarium from HALEON for his preparation and presentation of this program.
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