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Many factors can cause dentin hypersensitivity, and addressing the condition in individual patients often presents challenges. This webinar examines how dentinal hypersensitivity is optimally managed in dental practice by individualizing treatment to alleviate symptoms with mechanism-based therapeutic strategies that balance clinical efficacy and potential risks.
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Dr. Raymond Dionne is clinical pharmacologist who has conducted greater than 100 clinical trials evaluating the efficacy and safety of interventions for acute pain and perioperative anxiety.
Dr. Nisha Ganesh is a general dentist who serves as the Vice Chair of the Department of Comprehensive Dentistry and Director of Predoctoral Education in General Dentistry at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry.
Dr. Sharon Gordon is a Public Health Dentist who serves as the Associate Dean of Research and Academic Affairs at the Kansas City University School of Dental Medicine.
Dr. Dionne has received an honorarium from AEGIS Publications, LLC for his preparation and presentation of this program.
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