Dentin Hypersensitivity: Pathogenesis, Prevalence, and the Patient

Joon Seong; FDS RCPS(Glasg), BDS, MFDS RCPS(Glasg), PhD; Charlie Parkinson; Rhiannon Jones

September 2024 Course
Expires: Thursday, September 30th, 2027

Web Only


Although dentin hypersensitivity is widespread, and it can cause substantial pain and impact quality of life, it is not routinely discussed during dental consultations. In 2023, researchers from Kings College London, Bristol Dental School and Haleon, published a study in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology in 2023 2 , exploring why dental teams don’t routinely discuss DH. The findings from this research will be reviewed in panel discussion .

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COST: $0.00
SOURCE: HALEON | September 2024

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand DH pain, and recognize the impact of DH on individuals’ day to day lives, and what it means for patients.
  • Understand the latest information on the wide prevalence of DH and associated conditions.
  • Understand why DH is potentially underdiagnosed and explore the role of the dental team in initiating conversations on DH for the successful management of the condition.

Author Qualifications:

Joon Seong; FDS RCPS(Glasg), BDS, MFDS RCPS(Glasg), PhD
Dr. Joon Seong is a member of the Clinical Trial Unit (CTU) at Bristol Dental School, UK. The research that Dr Seong is involved inwithin the Clinical Trials Unit involves includes toothwear (erosion, attrition, abrasion and abfraction), tooth bleaching, tooth staining, dentine hypersensitivity, prevention of plaque and gingivitis and treatment of diseases of the periodontium, and soft and hard tissue regeneration in periodontology and implantology. The studies are carried out both within the Clinical Trials Unit in dedicated laboratories and in the clinical environment, and in General Dental Practice in the UK.

Charlie Parkinson
Dr. Charlie Parkinson is Global Medical & Scientific Affairs Director, Oral Health at Haleon. He has twenty years’ experience in oral care research, product development and clinical evaluation. His research has included in vitro and in situ modelling of oral diseases and conditions, fMRI of oral conditions, therapeutic approaching in the management of dentine hypersensitivity and erosive toothwear, and the impact of oral conditions on oral health related quality of life. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Associated Editor for the Journal Preventative Dentistry, with over 70 peer-reviewed publications in the field of oral care.

Rhiannon Jones
​Rhiannon has worked as a dental hygienist for 24 years in both private and NHS practices. She also works with the Cleft lip and palate team in Bristol Dental Hospital providing pre and post op care and a weekly clinic. She was, until recently, a clinical lecturer at Cardiff University working with the Diploma and BSc courses. She graduated as a dental therapist in March 2015 from Bristol University. Rhiannon is passionate about highlighting the importance of patient communication and why it's so important to talk to patients with regards to a range of subjects. In her latest role as President Elect for the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, she focusses on promoting the profession for the good of patients and dental colleagues.


The author reports no conflicts of interest associated with this work.

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