Rethinking Lasers Around Titanium

Jin Y. Kim, DDS, MPH, MS, FACD; Gabriel Strauss, DMD; Pinelopi Xenoudi, DDS, MS

December 2021 Course
Expires: Tuesday, December 31st, 2024

Web Only


Conflicting information exists about using lasers around dental implants. Dr. Gabriel Strauss and Dr. Pinelopi Xenoudi discuss newly published research that impacts the use of lasers around dental implants.

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COST: $0
SOURCE: Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry | December 2021
COMMERCIAL SUPPORTER: Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the diagnosis and pathogenesis of peri-implant disease 
  • Examine the recent publication regarding bacterial reduction on titanium surfaces using four different dental lasers and the implications when treating peri-implant diseases 
  • Examine the recent LAPIP publication and how it compares to classic periodontal and implant research

Author Qualifications:

Dr. Strauss received his doctorate in dental medicine from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Pinelopi Xenoudi graduated from the University of Athens, Dental School with the Degree of Dental Surgeon. Dr. Jin Kim is a periodontist dedicated to providing personalized dental care in Diamond Bar and Garden Grove, CA.


Drs. Kim, Strauss and Xenoudi have received an honorarium from Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. for their preparation and presentation of this program.

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