Integrating New Restorative Materials and Technology - You'll Be Glad You Did!

Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD

September 2021 Course
Expires: Monday, September 30th, 2024

Web Only


The challenge of integrating new products or systems into a well-run practice can be daunting. In fact, often, the merits of new products or systems are brought into the practice with the best intentions and often come short of full utilization. This course will demonstrate how such investments in your practice can be quickly assimilated and therefore, your decision is validated. Dr. Bell will share how she has incorporated new restorative materials and products into her practice successfully over the past 12 months and going strong.

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COST: $0
PROVIDER: Dental Learning Systems, LLC
SOURCE: CDEWorld | September 2021

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore restorative product offerings and applications
  • Examine Giomer Technology and its clinical advantages 
  • Discover technologies to improve clinical outcomes and team satisfaction

Author Qualifications:

Dr. Bell maintains a private practice in Holly Springs, NC and Angier, NC. She is also the Immediate Past President of the North Carolina Academy of General Dentistry (NCAGD).


Dr. Bell has received an honorarium from Shofu for her preparation and presentation of this program.

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