Implants: The Inside Look with Dr. DiTolla and Friends

Michael DiTolla, DDS; Bobby Birdi, DMD, MSc; Saj Jivraj, DDS, MSED; Paul Petrungaro, DDS, MS; Sundeep Rawal, DMD

July 2021 Course
Expires: Wednesday, July 31st, 2024

Web Only


Four leaders in the field of implant dentistry join Dr. Mike DiTolla in this two-hour live streaming event to discuss the new innovations and developments. Topics to be covered include guided surgery, robotics, full-arch rehabilitation and loading, digital workflow, and implant selection. Whether you are a novice or have extensive experience in implant dentistry, this event will feature informative discussions about the current standards of care as well as what is next on the horizon. 

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COST: $0
SOURCE: Inside Dentistry | July 2021
COMMERCIAL SUPPORTER: Neocis, Inc.; Nobel Biocare USA, LLC; Zest Dental Solutions; Sterngold Dental, LLC

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the primary considerations involved with implant selection for various types of cases.
  • Describe the key factors involved with implementing a digital implant workflow.
  • Explore the possibilities offered by new technology for guided implant surgery and robotics.
  • Identify the different considerations involved when treatment planning for full-arch rehabilitations.


The author reports no conflicts of interest associated with this work.

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