Soft-Tissue Matters for Long Lasting Esthetic Prosthetics: Why, Where and How

David Lipton, DDS, MS

November 2018 Course
Expires: Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

Web Only


This webinar will cover the importance and potential benefits of soft-tissue augmentation around teeth and implants for practitioners and patients.

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COST: $0
PROVIDER: Dental Learning Systems, LLC
SOURCE: CDEWorld | November 2018
COMMERCIAL SUPPORTER: Geistlich Biomaterials

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine indications and contraindications for soft-tissue augmentation procedures around teeth and implants.
  • Review expectations from a soft-tissue augmentation procedure and what a patient can do to maximize the duration of the benefits
  • Discuss new advancements and materials in soft tissue augmentation


Dr. Lipton has received an honorarium from Dental Learning Systems, LLC, for his preparation and presentation of this program.

Queries for the presenter may be directed to
