Navigating Adhesive Cementation of All-Ceramic Materials

Dennis Fasbinder, DDS

September 2017 Course
Expires: Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

Web Only


This program will review clinical application of types of adhesive cements based on clinical indications.

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COST: $0
PROVIDER: Dental Learning Systems, LLC
SOURCE: CDEWorld | September 2017
COMMERCIAL SUPPORTER: Dentsply Sirona Restorative

Learning Objectives:

  • Provide information on the selection from categories of adhesive cements depending on the specifics of the ceramic material
  • Provide information on the clinical application of types of adhesive cements based on clinical indications
  • Provide information on tooth preparation guidelines for optimal adhesive delivery of all-ceramic material


Dr. Fasbinder has received an honorarium from Dental Learning Systems, LLC, for his preparation and presentation of this program.

Queries for the presenter may be directed to
