The Battle of De-Bond - Material Advances for Better Long-Term Direct Restorations

John Comisi, DDS, MAGD

December 2016 Course
Expires: Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

Web Only


This webinar will discuss the challenges of creating a hybrid bond, the types of materials that are being used to attempt to improve hybridization, and some potentially promising chemistries that are being researched in light of the potential need for a new direction in our direct restorative methodology to create long-lasting success with direct composite restorations.

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COST: $0
PROVIDER: Dental Learning Systems, LLC
SOURCE: CDEWorld | December 2016

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the current state of the dental restorative process
  • Discuss options and advances, from bonding chemistries to bioactive materials, that are impacting long-term restorative success
  • Consider what methodical changes can be made to drive success and reduce failures


Dr. Comisi has received an honorarium from Dental Learning Systems, LLC, for his preparation and presentation of this program.

Queries for the presenter may be directed to
