Understanding HIPAA Security Rule for Dental Professionals

Amy Wood

August 2024 Course
Expires: Tuesday, August 31st, 2027

Web Only


Technology is great! It can help you communicate at a faster pace, capture moments in time with a simple click, or even make dinner show up on your doorstep without you leaving the house! But what happens when that same technology turns against you? One click on the wrong thing can mean a catastrophic data loss or total loss of business. In today's cyber climate, proactive data security is a must! Let's break down the "geek speak" of technology to provide a better understanding of how it works and the current standard of care for ensuring predictable failures instead of costly disasters.

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COST: $199.00
SOURCE: CDEWorld | August 2024

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to identify the types of Cyber Threats out there.
  • Know the difference between a legitimate email and spam/scams.
  • Implement safety precautions to avoid a costly mistake.

Author Qualifications:

Amy Wood is a best selling author, speaker, consultant, and coach. She has a background in Healthcare Information Technology.


The author reports no conflicts of interest associated with this work.

Queries for the presenter may be directed to justin.romano@broadcastmed.com.