Workplace Violence Prevention

Joyce Weeks, BS, MSc and Amy Wood

July 2024 Course
Expires: Saturday, July 31st, 2027

Web Only


Attendees will understand the requirement for implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan in their office. They will gain information about the four types of workplace violence and how to identify potential threats. Finally, attendees will understand what they can do to mitigate risk.

If you would like access to the mandatory forms that go along with this Workplace Violence Prevention course, or if you would like to ask questions to one of the speakers via phone call or Zoom, please scan the QR code at the end of the class, or send an email to to connect with them.  

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COST: $99.00
SOURCE: CDEWorld | July 2024

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the four types of workplace violence.
  • Understand how to identify a potential threat and what steps to take to remain safe.
  • Identify the importance for an employer to properly maintain an injury prevention plan as required by OSHA along with the new workplace violence prevention plan.
  • Be able to identify requirements for the frequency of training.

Author Qualifications:

Joyce Weeks, BS, MSc is the owner of Dental Ed, Inc. Ms. Weeks graduated from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, with a masters in Immunology and Global Health in 2014. She completed her undergraduate studies with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Colorado State University.

Amy Wood is a best selling author, speaker, consultant, and coach. She has a background in Healthcare Information Technology.


The author reports no conflicts of interest associated with this work.

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