CDEWorld > Partners

Welcome to Our CDE Partnerships

Our dental industry CDE partners include associations, manufacturers, organizations, and publishers committed to upholding the ADA CERP guidelines and developing quality education for the oral healthcare community. Dental Learning Systems is proud to work with these distinguished entities by providing a comprehensive online platform to enhance the availability and visibility of their time-tested educational offerings.

Working together, our objective is to increase the range and influence of high quality evidence-based continuing education materials for the benefit of oral healthcare professionals and their patients.

CDE Program Finder

American Academy of Periodontology Logo American Dental Assistants Association Logo BISCO Logo
ClearCorrect Logo Compendium Logo Inside Dental Assisting Logo
Inside Dental Hygiene Logo Inside Dental Technology Logo Inside Dentistry Logo
Kulzer Logo OraPharma Logo Parkell Logo
PDS University™ – Institute of Dentistry Logo Shofu Logo Ultradent Logo
United Concordia Dental Insurance Logo